“Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction if you pay attention” Robert Green

As our clinic got more popular and our waiting list got longer, we realised we needed to find a way to be able to help more clients at the same time.

As a result, we created a self-guided route backed by the experience of our practitioners that includes a personalised treatment plan and can be started straight away. 

Online approach

The NTA Self Guided section is an online natural health recovery programme.

The recovery programme

The recovery programme shares with you our naturopathic knowledge and suggests how you can recover your health from chronic illness.

Life can be a puzzle, so let NTA guide you step by step, using the same protocols and products that we use in our clinics.

The Modules

After the introduction and recommendations pages for each module, there is more detailed information about that area of health.

This includes advice about diet, supplements and other tools to help your health recovery.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly”.

As part of our subscription service, NTA will provide modules that include information about diet, supplements, herbs, remedies and other tools to help you complete each step and move on to the next.

The same modules are available to clients using our remote services.

We recommend working through the modules in order, one at a time. It is possible to work on two or more modules at a time, but new modules must be started one month apart.

For example, if you have adrenal fatigue symptoms you should start with this subscription and if you also have problems falling asleep – you should add this subscription one month later.

Step one

If you are a current client of NTA, please complete the contact form below and we will provide you with a password so that you can access the recovery programme modules.

If you purchase a treatment bundle you will be sent the relevant modules by email.

Extra options

If you need more individualised help, consider having a Remote Health analysis (see NTA services) so that we can create a tailor made recovery programme for you.

Programme begins

Once you have access to the recovery programme modules you can follow your own online programme and you can take control of you own health recovery.


We hope our self guided pages provide the answers to health puzzles that you have been looking for. By reading through the recovery programme modules as well as our blog articles you can learn from our experts about all aspects of health and wellness.

Even if you are struggling with chronic illness including chronic fatigue, chronic Lyme or fibromyalgia, or if you are affected by chronic toxicity like heavy metals, chemicals or electro-sensitivity the information in our modules is safe for you to use.

The Self Guided pages are also full of tips for maintaining health and general wellbeing.

Who is self-guided for?

Anyone who prefers to get support in an online format.

What services are available?

You can purchase a treatment bundle that also gives you access to the recovery programme modules.

Or you can start with our Health Assessment services, where we will create an individualised treatment plan for you.

Can I speak to a practitioner?

No, to keep our self guided services affordable, you won’t be able to speak to a practitioner.

If you use the remote Health Assessment service, you can email the practitioner with questions after your test and report have been completed. There is the option to book a phone consultation.

How long can I be self-guided?

As long as you need to be. The beauty of the process is that it is there for as long as you have the need for it. 

For more information, please complete our contact form:

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Disclaimer: the information supplied on and via the NTA health website is not intended to replace standard medical advice. If you have chronic symptoms of any kind you should consult your GP and follow NHS diagnostic procedures so that you have the option to take conventional medical treatment for any chronic illness that can be identified.