Guidelines for Eating Well – this is such a big file please open link to full PDF

Basic guidelines – page 1 Tips for eating well – page 2 Superfoods – page 3-5 Healthy fats – page 6-7 Preparing grains – page 7-8

Basic guidelines about food:

Gluten free flour alternatives – page 8-10 Cow’s milk alternatives – page 11 Vitamin and Mineral guide – pages 12-13 Iron rich foods – page 14

Candida recovery diet – pages 15-16

‘Eat Food, not too much, mostly plants’ – Michael Pollan, In Defence of Food.

Your body wants nutrients and fuel to function effectively so avoid foods that are low in nutrients: sugar, alcohol, refined grains, standard vegetable oils, skimmed milk and low fat versions of real foods.

Try to think about food in terms of nutrients, not calories. Spinach, blueberries and red peppers are all highly nutritious, but so are butter, eggs and steak. Grains, fats, nuts, meat, cheese, fish and eggs are all nutrient dense, but also calorie dense – fill yourself up with nutritious vegetables and provide satisfaction with smaller amounts of nutritious, calorie dense foods. Avoid anything that doesn’t nourish you!

Your body understands real foods in their natural state. Synthetic nutrients that occur in synthesised vitamins, fortified cereals, low calorie drinks and factory produced food, upset the natural balance mechanisms of the body which developed over thousands of years and this results in disease.

The body needs fat – cutting it out means that you are not satisfied by food and you are likely to overeat as a result. Fats enable absorption of vitamins and minerals from food, resulting in greater nourishment. Fats repair every cell membrane in your body, avoiding them leads to weak and inflamed cells. Butter your vegetables, eat your chicken skin and oil your salads, just go easy on mayonnaise as it contains super-heated polyunsaturates.

Eat saturated fats such as butter, meat fats and coconut oil for cell structure and to support the liver. Monounsaturated fats such as oily fish, nuts, avocado and olive oil help calm the nervous system, oil the skin and support the endocrine (hormonal) system. Polyunsaturated fats such as, fish, flax seed oil, cold pressed sunflower oil are important to calm inflammation and produce hormones.

Avoid hydrogenated fats, trans fats (processed fats like margarine) and any oil that is not cold pressed – most vegetable oils are extracted with heat which makes them rancid and then cause inflammation.

Fats to cook with (starting with the best for cooking, as they are most stable when heated): Dripping, Coconut oil, Lard, Sesame oil, Peanut oil, Duck/Goose/Chicken fat, Olive oil, Unsalted butter.

Fats to eat raw: Olive oil, Hazelnut oil, Walnut oil, Almond oil, Butter, Cream, Avocado, Tahini, Egg Yolk.

Sugar of all kinds upset the blood sugar balance causing fat to be stored which makes you fat. Even fruit sugar can upset the balance and strain the liver – causing triglycerides (undesirable fats) to be laid down in the arteries. Don’t eat more than two pieces of fruit a day and only eat sweet foods occasionally and always as part of a meal. Your body doesn’t actually need any sugar – it’s not nourishing!

All artificial sweeteners are toxic and should be avoided. Stevia is a natural alternative.

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